(1) 調査概要




(2) 調査結果




人為的な土地利用の改変と地球温暖化の進行によって,アジア内陸部の永久凍土層や氷河などが融解し,水位上昇によって町・森林・牧草地域が水没したり,ヒマラヤのように増大した湖沼がしばしば決壊し,氷河湖洪水を起こしている.もしこの傾向が進むと,21世紀には人口増加が予測されているアジアの大河流域の水資源が不足するであろう.そのために,合理的な対策を打つことが重要で,放牧地や山火事の拡大を防ぎ,地球温暖化対策とも協調して水位上昇を押さえることは,同時に,地球史の寒冷期に形成された貴重な氷としての水資源(永久凍土や氷河)の保全につながるのである.次々世代の人類が安定した水資源の供給を得ることなくしては, 21世紀の急激な人口増加が予測されるアジアにとっては,水資源問題はきわめて深刻な環境課題になることを認識する必要がある.





Date: March 13 and 14, 2002
Venue: Jingiskhan Hotel, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Sponsors: Biwa and Khubusugl Inter-lake Friendship Association, Japan Fund for Global Environment,    University of Mongolia, Ecology Education Center
Language: Japanese, Mongolian

March 13, 2002

Opening Ceremony
Prof. D.Bazardorj (Director of Ecology Education Center)
Dr. T. Kawai  (National Institute for Environmental Studies)
Hon.  Mr. Hanada (Japanese  Ambassador)
Dr.Ts.Gantsog    (General Director of MGL National   University)

1) Mongolian government policy on environmental education; by S.Banzragch  (Ministry of Nature and Environment)
2) Histories and present states of the environmental problems in  Japan toward the future conservation;
by Prof .Hiroyo Kotani  ( read by Prof. M. Kawashima )
3) History of natural environment and our subjects for the future; by Dr. T. Kawai (National Institute for Environmental Studies)
4) Ecology educational center’s activities for the future; by Dr. D. Bazardorj ( Director of EEC ) / by Ts.
Umachimeg ( Specialist of EEC )
5) The present situation of Japanese fresh water fish fauna and the effort toward ex situ conservation; by Mr. M. Nakagawa ( Kinki University )

Field trip
Environmental class at secondary school N24 and University.
Power station N4, Water and garbage treatment facility.

March 14, 2002
6) Future problems in global environment including Mongolia; by Prof. H. Fushimi ( University of Shiga Prefecture ) and its comments by Dr. N. Batnasan ( Institute of Geography, Mongolian Academy of Sciences )
7) Environmental situation in Mongolia; by Prof. O. Shagdarsuren ( National University of Mongolia )
8) Environmental problems and environmental education – case studies in the world; Prof. M. Kawashima ( Shiga University )
9) Video show – Threatening permafrost melting in Mongolia by the global warming; produced by Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK).
10) The present situation of environmental education at the Mongolian National University; by Dr. Ulikpan
11) Discussion

8)環境教育の目標は,関心を高め,課題解決を行うことで( Belgrade Charter ‘75),キーワードは体験である.地域の特徴を考えた方法開発・指導者育成・支援システムを作っていくことが重要である.
10)人は自然のもの,人間も動物のひとつと考えて,環境とのつりあいを良くし,調整するための理性が必要である.大学のEcology教育では, Macro-Ecology, Geo-Ecology ,Bio-Ecology ,Socio-Ecologyを中心に行い,今年第1期生が卒業し,教育分野や自然公園業務や観光関連産業などに就職する.

帰国早々の3月17日,「Hello Mr.Fushimi? We are student of national university of Mongolia. Do you remember us? Had you good trip? Conference was very nice and friendly. We like it. Please send us e-mail. We are waiting your mail. Bye Taivnaa & Sanchir」という今回のワークショップの反響を示すメイルがサンチールさんから寄せられた.彼は,今夏に計画されている日本の学生との協同プログラムを作成していくモンゴル側の代表で,これからの意気込み・積極性が感じられた.そこで,「My Dear Messrs. Bye Taivnaa & Sanchir,  I have just come back to my office today and I am very glad to have seen your mail below. I am also very much thankful for you and your colleagues to have joined the conference and talked each other for the future program of the environmental education in Mongolia. I am hoping we can talk again about the environmental issues of Lake Hovsgol in this coming summer. Please send my best regards to your friends.」との返事をおり返し送ったのである.「2度あることは,3度ある」の喩えのごとく,われわれとしては,今夏の協同プログラム後の第3回ワークショップも視点にいれていく必要があるのではなかろうか.


 最後に,今回のワークショップへは次の24機関が参加した.モンゴル側からは,Ministry of  Nature and Environment; Ministry of Education, Culture and Science; Ministry of Health; Mongolian Academy of Science; National University of Mongolian; Agricultural University of Mongolia; Mongolian Technical University; Mongolian Pedagogical University; Center of Ecology Education, National University of Mongolia; Peace Corps of USA; World Wildlife Fund; Ecology Education Association (NGO); Western Mongolian Biodiversity; Mongolian Association for Conservation of  Nature and the Environment; Secondary School N24; Secondary School N97; Secondary School N40; Plant Protection Institute,また日本側からは,University of Shiga Prefecture; Shiga University; National Institute of Environment Studies; International Lake Environment Committee; Kinki University; Biwa and Khubusgul Inter-Lake Friendship Associationの各機関である.

日本では,2030年代に平均気温が1.5 ℃から3.5℃(最近の見積もりではこの2倍程度)上昇すると報告されている.もし平均気温が1.5 ℃増大した場合は,降水量が20%増大しない限り,降雪量は平均値である10億トンに達しないであろう.平均気温が3.5℃も上昇すると,降水量が20%増大したとしても,降雪水量は著しく減少し,6億トン程度になってしまう.

 Effects of Climate Warming on Asian Lakes– from View Points of Water Resources –
Fushimi Hiroji
The University of Shiga Prefecture
   There are numerous lakes in the inland mountainous regions and the coastal lowlands of Asia where the mighty rivers, such as Rivers Yellow, Yangtze, Mekong, Ganges and Indus, originate from and flow down to the megalopolises with the rapid population growth in the river mouth areas. At the first stage of the global warming, glaciers and permafrost layers melt, and the lake water increases. However, there comes the shortage period of water resources in the later stage of the global warming due to the shrinkage of glaciers and permafrost layers and this may lead to the serious environmental issues in Asia, when the water resources become scarce especially in the dry seasons. So, I would like to report the effects of global warming to Asian lakes and water resources of the 21st century.
Lakes in the Himalayas and Tibetan plateau
   Due to the global warming, the recent fluctuations of glaciers and lakes in the Nepal Himalayas are extremely immense and the region faces further natural disasters including the glacial outburst flood as well as the related landslide phenomena. There is a need to create a new management system for the rational use of water resources taking into account the recent changes in glacial as well as limnological phenomena.
   The Himalayas and Tibetan plateau will face the shortage of glacier-fed water resources due to the shrinkage of glacier ice bodies, and the decrease in glacial melt-water will tend to exacerbate drought phenomena in the areas of the mighty rivers, such as Rivers Yellow, Yangtze, Mekong, Ganges and Indus, especially during the dry season in areas dependent on water resources from the glaciers and permafrost layers in the Himalayas and Tibetan plateau.
   In the Tibetan plateau, fresh water lakes are formed in the present glacial areas where a large amount of glacial melt water is continuously supplied, and the formation of salt lakes still continues in the inner part of the Tibetan plateau far from the present glacial areas. The formation of salt lakes is accelerated by condensation due to the large evaporation amount when salinity becomes high and the lake hardly freezes over even in the cold season. Lake Qinghai is now under this process together with the anthropogenic water use for agricultural developments. Consequently, during the 21st century when the climate is expected to warm further, discharges will be needed more carefully utilized especially during the dry season in these regions.
Lake Hovsgol in Mongolia
   The water level of Lake Hovsgol in Mongolia has risen 60cm for the recent 20 years, so that the surrounding forests, pastures and the lakeshore town have been inundating year by year. Three causes of the water level rise could be noticed as follows: 1) the formation of a natural dam at the southern end of the lake caused by the sedimentation of sand and gravel which were transported from the tributary river at the time of heavy rain; 2) the thaw of permafrost around the lake where the ground temperature becomes higher with increases of the incoming radiation due to deforestation owing to the anthropogenic expansion of pasturage and fired forest ; 3) the thaw of permafrost caused by the global warming.
   Here, we would like to suggest as the short-term countermeasure that the natural dam should be dredged to prevent the inundation, because it can be estimated to lower 30cm of the water level by the dredging of only 500m3. As the mid-term countermove, it is important to improve the anthropogenic land-use for preventing the expansion of pasturage and fired forest. Finally, as the long-term issue, we hope to solve the global warming with the international cooperation by monitoring the natural environmental changes of Lake Hovsgol.
Lake Biwa in Japan
   It is reported that an average air temperature will increase by 1.5 to 3.5 degrees Celsius by the 2030’s. If the increase in average air temperature is 1.5 degrees Celsius, the amount of snow cover would not exceed 1 billion tons, which is the average amount of snow cover in Lake Biwa basin, unless the precipitation exceeds more than 20 %. When the average air temperature rises by 3.5 degrees Celsius, the amount of snow cover would significantly decrease to 0.6 billion tons even if the precipitation exceeds by 20 %.
   When the amount of snow cover is more than 1 billion tons, the lowest dissolved oxygen concentration in the deep layer of Lake Biwa increases due to the density current of the oxygen-rich snowmelt. However, the dissolved oxygen concentration rapidly decreases, when the amount of snow cover is less than 1 billion tons. The global warming will significantly decrease the amount of snow cover in Lake Biwa basin and the dissolved oxygen concentration in the deep layer of the lake, leading to further enhancement of eutrophication in the 21st century.
Concluding remarks
   Due to the progress of the global warming, glaciers and permafrost layers in the inland mountainous regions of Asia have been melting and the enlarged lakes occasionally collapse to cause the glacial lake outburst flood. If this trend continues, there will be a shortage of the water resources in the basins of the great rivers of Asia with the rapid population growth in the 21st century.
   Therefore, it is important to make the rational countermeasures and improve the anthropogenic land-use for preventing the expansion of pasturage and fired forest and the water level rise in connection with the solution of global warming by the international cooperation. The global warming significantly decreases the snow amount of the Lake Biwa basin and the dissolved oxygen concentration in the deep layer of Lake Biwa, which may further enhance the eutrophication. Lakes and water resources becomes highly vulnerable in Asia where the rapid population growth is the fundamental environmental issues in this coming 21st century.